Bad Boy Kaiza "Dark Light" 22:43 min Rec 2008-03 @ Borderline, MA 01 The Upbeats -Will Shatner [Bad Taste BT002CD Nobody's Out There LP CDR] 02 The Upbeats -Craven Raven [Bad Taste BT002CD Nobody's Out There LP CDR] 03 The Upbeats -Tilling Fields [Bad Taste BT002CD Nobody's Out There LP CDR] 04 The Upbeats/Trei -The Stars [Bad Taste BT002CD Nobody's Out There LP CDR] 05 The Upbeats/Ryme Tyme -Tonka [Bad Taste BT002CD Nobody's Out There LP CDR] 06 The Upbeats -Black Swarm [Bad Taste BT002CD Nobody's Out There LP CDR] info: