Bad Boy Kaiza

"Circensis Vitiosus Pt.1"
22:23 min
Rec 2008-05 @ Borderline, MA

01	EBK/Prolix -Vacuum [Industry 12IND024 Powder To The People EP CDR]
02	EBK -Powder People [Industry 12IND024 Powder To The People EP CDR]
03	EBK -Skatter [Renegade Hardware HWARE05 Detrimental EP CDR] 

04	EBK/Vicious Circle -Apparition [Defcom DCOM01CD Black Out Vol 1 & 2 LP CDR]
05	Vicious Circle -Contagious [Avalanche AVA006 CDR]
06	EBK -1000 Years [Renegade Hardware HWARECD02 Above The Game LP CDR]

07	Ancronix -Lightly Salted (EBK RMX) [Sudden Def SDR12028 CDR]
