In the late 90s / around the millenium MC Shoota, founding member of Trio / the Mannheim based Trio-Music crew, made himself the first German DnB MC to drop English entirely and to MC fully in German not much unlike pioneers of German Hiphop / Deutschrap circa one decade earlier in the neighbouring city Heidelberg as referenced in his lyrics. Then in 2001 he also started to make tunes, influenced by producers such as "Konflikt, C4C, DJ Armir aka Falcon, Stakka & Skynet, Cannibal Corpse" and by DJs like Tobestar, Phace fka DJ Energize and most of all the towering Bad Boy Kaiza (and myself). Unfortunately he left the Trio-Music crew and went to Munich to study economics and marketing in 2003 just around the time we began to start our own label between Darmstadt and Mannheim (Tilt). A couple of years later he had a second brief music career as Techno producer Felix Lupus. Now this are the bulk of his early unreleased DnB tunes, from the early Reason 1 demo version liveact-style tunes to Reason 1 full version and later Reason 2, mastered from the original wav files by Chris Schulz for this mix in 2019 (except for the pre-brickwalled tracks 15,18,19,20) and for bonus a short collage of some of Shoota's MC lyrics taken from party recordings, radio shows and mixes of the time. Nevar forget they didn't hang themselves, but Shoota was a true pioneer. First he was laughed at, then booked & copied, and later he was too quickly forgotten like yesterday's jam. Respect.